Ghia Lynn Vinluan
Science Teacher
Courses Taught:
Biology I
Foundations of Biology
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Hello! I am Ms. V and I will be teaching Biology I, Foundations of Biology, and Human Anatomy & Physiology for the 2021-2022 school year. I love teaching science and look forward to encouraging the same joy and appreciation of the subject in my students.
I am deeply committed to helping your child find or maintain success in the classroom and look forward to communicating with you on a regular basis. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the class or your student.

Science Star Bulletin Board! - Examples of Student Work

These students were the high scorers on their very first (basically) Biochemistry Exam!
Wed Nov 11 05:18 PM

Human A+P Students have been working on this project for three weeks Assignment 1-4. Click to see examples of their extraordinary work!
Mon Oct 19 01:41 PM

High scorers in the Unit 1 Review Kahoot Challenge!
Wed Sep 23 10:55 AM

LHS Science Students

Darrencia Johnson

Homecoming 2019-2020

LHS Science Students 2018-2019

Justice Ford

Period 1 Biology 2019-2020

Field Day 2019

Anime Club

LHS Science Students

Learning about Photosynthesis

Nykeria Perry

Chemistry 2019 - 2019

Irvin Palmer

Biology Period 7 2019-2020

Erica Watts

Homecoming 2019-2020

Chemistry 2019 - 2019

Sinatra Tate Jr.

Biology 2018 - 2019

Anime Club

Field Day 2019

Biology Period 4 2019-2020

Anime Club

Homeroom 2019-2020

Donal Washington Guest teaching Period 5

Field Day 2019

Donal Washington Guest teaching Period 5

Anime Club

Markela Kimber